Herbert Hoover Chapter 

Welcome! The local Herbert Hoover Chapter is an organization promoting engineering in the eastern section of the state including Benton, Cedar, Delaware, Dubuque, Iowa, Johnson, Jones, Linn, Poweshiek and Tama Counties (Was 12 but now includes former Cedar Rapids Chapter members). 

2019-2020 Board

Justin Widdel, P.E, Chapter President

Ben Butler, P.E., Chapter Treasurer
Braun Intertec

Brenna Fall, P.E., Chapter Director
City of Cedar Rapids

Scholarship Information

Starting with the 1999-2000 school year, the Iowa Engineering Society no longer offers State level scholarships. However, some of the IES regional organizations do offer a Chapter scholarship. Click on the link below to see if this chapter offers scholarships.
More Scholarship information

Chapter Scholarship Coordinators

Contact your Chapter Coordinator between September 1 & December 1 for scholarship information and application materials.

Herbert Hoover Chapter (03)
Coordinator Daniel Schmidt, P.E., Brain Engineering, Inc.; 1540 Midland Court, NE Cedar Rapids, IA 52402; Phone: 319-294-9424 - Fax: 319-294-1056 E-mail: [email protected]
NOTE: The Herbert Hoover Chapter now includes former Cedar Rapids Chapter counties.